Thursday, July 10, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Gang Goon
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"I know Kung Fu, and i'm not afraid to use it on you, Ace." |
A Blues album release party that was suppose to unite both Gang Green and Ace went terribly wrong Monday night. A bewildered Italian was very disappointed "I don't understand these guys, I came to support both countries of Canada and USA and instead I had to watch Gang Green wrestle Ace to the ground near the basketball courts. I thought the Blues were suppose to bring people together."
It started where all modern day drama occurs on social media between Captain Canada Ace and American folk hero Gang Green. Not pleased with the percentage of players in the NHL being Canadian Gang Green express his discern. "I hate Canada and every person associated with that ice box of a country. Right now, I say fuck them and deport every Canadian now. I pay taxes, why should I let these Canucks live here."
Ace spokesman for all of the people of Canada, did the unthinkable, he brought up some facts about these hated Canadians. "Gang Green do you understand, that if you deport all of these Canadians, the Flyers organization would be of bunch of Europeans. Lets go to the roster of the current Canadians on the roster. Giroux, Simmons, Mason, Emery, both Schenn brothers, Hartnell, Read, LeCavalier, Coburn, and MacDonald."
"I don't care we live in the greatest country in the world with a president that prolong my unemployment 7 years. If, I was living any where else, I wouldn't be able to live my posh lifestyle of a modern car, high speed internet, and buying fire pits like a round of beers. If your going to live here Ace, don't be a traitor and root for Canada." Gang Green rebutted..
"I grew up in Canada and still have family there. I don't see how rooting for Canada is such a problem. Maybe if you got a job and did something with your life instead of trolling on kids half your age, you wouldn't be such a miserable person." Ace remarked
"Fuck you Ace, you don't know me. I live on my own, and have been doing construction for the past 2 weeks. Keep talking shit and i'm going to kick your ass." Gang Green replied.
Ace choose not to respond for awhile knowing he might of offended Gang Green, and like any respected Canadian felt remorse. Gang Green still recovering from his life time ban from the NY Rangers message board had a new enemy to loath.
"Ace, Elton John called and he is said you're a candle in the wind."
"Go ice fishing and watch Canadian Bacon."
"Justin Bieber said he wouldn't hang out with you either Ace."
"Ace where are you buddy? You can't handle the Gang Green heat."
Ace did respond minutes later. "I stopped responding because I have more important things to do with my life rather than to respond to someone of lesser value of my time"
Gang Green engulfed in rage, logged off his computer and made his first appearance to the Gardens since 2011. Teams were divided between the two captains Ace and Gang Green.
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Team Canada Ace vs USA Gang Green. |
Realizing his skating had deteriorated since his hey day in the late 90s, Gang Green took a page out of Mike Milbury's page of goon tactics. With about 3 shifts under his belt in which he ate the pavement more often then he shot the ball, Gang Green went to the bench. Words were exchange between the two on the bench and Gang Green's eyes grew of red flames.
Charging like a general on a death march, Gang Green grab Ace from behind and wrestled him into the grass. Gang Green had Ace in his deadly scissor leg lock, and the two were tangled for awhile. Eventually played had been stopped, and the two still didn't move. The faithful pleaded with Gang Green to let Ace go, but nothing.
RJ was getting frustrated will the prolong delay "Come on Gang Green, I want to play hockey. This is not what Waterford Hockey stands for. We didn't show up tonight, to watch you jump Ace on the bench."
Finally the Chief Editor broke the two apart and ejected Gang Green from the Gardens. League officials made a statement about the incident. "We're fully aware of the violent and goon like acts by Gang Green tonight. Fighting a player not on the rink will not be tolerated. We're scheduling an in person meeting with Gang Green and will discuss his future."
Rallying around their emotional ejected leader, team USA/Gang Green annihilate a frail Canadian Ace team in 5 games. Goalie for team Ace, Brother credited the wrestling match in the grass as the turning point in the series "When you watch your Captain get sexually molested by on older balder man, it is really difficult to play after that. I would compare it to watching OZ the HBO syndicated show about men getting rapped in prison. "
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A scene from the HBO's acclaimed OZ |
So what did we learn from this incident. Well Gang Green is a crazy mo-fo that is for one. Ace now has been apart of the two only fights at the Gardens. Another is a war of words turns violent, joking around on social media turns Gang Green into a thug. Now, Ace is recovering in the hospital in a full body cast. Here is an animated representation of our battered Ace.
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Hang in there Ace, you'll get through this. We're all rooting for you. |
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Quad Skates fight for the Waterford Faithful in 2008
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Quads making his historical "I want my Hockey lights back" speech from Feb 2008 |
I had to search far and wide in the Googily vault to come up with this gem from 2008. Back in those days, the Blue Anchor Gang headed by Big Bobby Hill and Ivan Drago started to take over the Waterford Gardens. Games were mean spirited with bloody hacked shins and Gang Green almost started a war over a salty slice of salami.
It also was a time when the township turned the lights off and we had no night hockey for a 6 month period. The Chief Editor rallied the faithful to come out to a township meeting and demand our lights back. On that cold winter night in 2008, Quad Skates stood up in front of the township government and defended Waterford Hockey.
Today we honor Quad Skates on his birthday for being one of the key figures in the Waterford faithful movement.
Promise of Light
The Googily Gazette
February 29, 2008
No hockey was played this past week as weather cancelled weekend play and project lockout continues on night games. But some rather optimistic news came from the town hall meeting on Wednesday Night as Quad Skates led the charge of fighting to retain the Thursday Night Hockey lighting system. With the opening statement from the Mayor that he emphasis the importance of recreation in the town and that he would like to see more people get involved with the recreation department. It seemed like an open and shut case to allow the lights to be turned back on.
Quads made a heroic opening statement "I stand before you ladies and gentleman today a man that hasn't played a single game of Thursday Night Hockey in a week because of the audacious act of your town government. Now I'm just a simple man that likes fast cars, cold beer, and the enjoyment of playing a recreational sport hockey on a pair of quad skates. Some might say now why would somebody play on a pair of Quad Skates, I say why doesn't everybody play on a pair of Quad Skates." A loud roar of applause came from the audience
Standing all alone Quads spoke for the many that play Thursday Night Hockey, he was fearless in his stance and demanded answers for the imprisonment of our lights.
"I ask you why oh why are the hockey lights at Waterford locked up? This seems like a harsh action and must be resolved." More cheers and clapping was echo throughout the building after this remark.
A puzzled and confused Mayor had no idea that the lights for the hockey rink were lock up and question the Quad of what kind of organization was he representing. Quad chuckled to himself at first than said "Mayor I don't represent any type of organization or group of people for that matter. Tonight I speak for the kid would didn't want to play organize sports, or the guy who just worked a 10 hour shift at the construction yard, or even a evil mastermind that enslaved Bauer sticks in a universe far far away. No Mayor we aren't an organization we are just simple Thursday Night Hockey players."
In the crowd that night to support Quads conquest was the chief editor, Miguel Arena, Kevin Hand, and the usual soft-spoken Brian Boytano. Past situations in Thursday Night Hockey history the Boytano showed little emotion or would even crack a smile during game play or during witty banner after the night was over. But after the following comment made by Quads Boytano stood up and raise his fist in the air and shouted "Viva Le Quad, Viva Le Quad, Viva Le Quad." Eventually the rest of the Thursday Night Hockey faithful had decided to stand along Boytano and unite in his chant.
The Mayor had to intervene and restore order back to the meeting "Gentlemen can you please sit down." As the Mayor struck his gavel numerous times the "Viva Le Quads" chants were quickly silence.
As indicated in the Mayor's opening proclamation that he wanted to assist to Recreation aid. He had some promising news for Quads and the many who attend Thursday Night Hockey "Well Mr. Quads given that you are playing on some historical means of skating devices, with those Quads Skates. I can't ignore your passion for roller hockey and would like to help you and your friends anyway possible. Hey that one bald guy over there didn't he skate in 88' Calgary games. But please leave me your name and number and we will get this matter resolved as soon as possible. We want you to play hockey and we want those lights turn back on."
With these significant words it looks like Thursday Night Hockey will back up and running soon. Quads and Miguel Arena have also voluntarily sign up for the recreation committee, and would like to get more funding for our rink, which hasn't seen any.
Meanwhile Councilman Barlow wasn't in attendance for Wednesday night's meeting citing that he still hasn't found a key to the lights. He is trying to get a key from his brother who does stand up comedy by smashing watermelons. It is believed that the key is being kept in one of those watermelons and Barlow hasn't yet picked the correct one.
With cheerful smiles on everyone faces the meeting was adjourned. Celebratory drinks were poured at the local watering hole with pints in the air and talks of improvements for the rink. Now it is time for the town to deliver of their promise of once again permitting Thursday Night Hockey.
"When one man pushes you down you get back up on both quads" Quads Skates comments on the inhuman injustices in the world.
The Chief Editor
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
2 Dudes, 2 Coasts, 2 Outdoor Hockey Games
Sitting next to an intoxicated half Horatio Sanz, half Ron Jeremy appearance of a man, on the flight from Philadelphia to Los Angeles, my Devils stadium series hat had caught his attention.
"Hey dude, I like your hat. It is very Christmas like. Can, I take a picture of it? Oh, wait I don't have a SD card in my camera."
That was only the real normal part of the conversation I had with this guy, who went by the name of Mike S. When he first arrived on the plane, he took the seat next to me and asked ,
"Where is this plane going?"
I responded "Do you even know where you're going?"
"I don't know, I just hop on a flight, after drinking a few at the bar. But, seriously where is this flight going?" He replied.
"This flight is going wherever your ticket says it going." I said.
He looked a little flustered and agitated. "Damn, I really need to take a piss. I can't wait any longer, or I'll pee in my boot. I could go for a joint right now. Do you have any weed?"
This was my introduction to the west coast, before I even made it to Los Angeles. I don't know if I could handle more of these conversations. He asked me why I was going to LA. My response baffled him. I told him, I was going to see an outdoor hockey game at Dodger's Stadium.
"Hockey.........." He replied.
"Yea, I'm going to see the Kings vs the Ducks outside. My one friend Mogilny is a Ducks fan, and I'm a Devils fan. So we decided to both watch our favorite teams play outside in two days. "
"Wow, that is a first. I never heard of people traveling from the east coast to the west coat to see a hockey game. You, guys aren't messing with me are you. Is there hidden cameras somewhere? This won't be on a late night television show will it."
"No I'm not joking around. We came all the way out here to watch the Ducks vs Kings, then hop on a red eye flight back to New Jersey, to catch the Devils vs Rangers the next day." I responded.
"Ok. You guys are crazy. You are doing all this traveling, and didn't bring any weed along." He replied.
-------------Game 1 Kings vs Ducks at Dodger's Stadium-----------------------
Nothing is better than waking up to sunny California weather in January with temperatures in the low 80s. The game isn't till 630pm local time, so we had time to do a little exploration. Let's go to a state park out in the valley. We did some rock climbing at Stoney Point Park, well not technical rock climbing with the harnesses and ropes. The more proper term is scrambling, where we just climbed up on huge boulders with our sneakers.
Mogilny scrambling up the rocks. See he has proper grip form, by using his fingers. |
View from the top |
Some people like to tailgate or drink before hockey games. Not in Cali, we go rock climbing. |
After our rock climbing adventure we grab some dinner, then head out to the game. The approach before Dodger's Stadium is through a park, where families are having picnics and people are walking along enjoying their Saturday afternoon. I would never guess a baseball stadium would be so close by.
Fan fest outside in the parking lot. Line was so ridiculously long, that we didn't bother to go in. |
EJ Hradek and The "Mullet" Barry Melrose on the NHL Network set. |
Beach volley ball court next to the hockey rink |
Let's get this game started. |
I had to get a shot of some actual game action. |
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Mogilny's Panoramic shot |
We had to leave after the second period to catch our red eye flight. But, Mogilny celebrating the inevitable Ducks 3-0 victory. |
-----------------Game 2 Devils vs Rangers at Yankee Stadium--------------------------
Brrrrr.... that frigid air as you walk off the plane hits you back to the east cold. There won't be any pre-game rock climbing out here. Jumping on the red eye, we land in Newark at 7:30am local time. We're fading fast as we didn't get much rest on the plane. The seats in coach are not recommended for guys my size. Mogilny on the other hand, had the constant screams from a young child to keep him awake. He yelled aloud in frustration "Who brings their child on a red eye flight."
Our friend Omar who lives in Newark picks us up from the airport. We head back to his place, get a home cooked breakfast with IKEA bought Swedish pancakes. Oh don't forget the berry spread for the Swedish pancakes. Damn that was good. We're exhausted. Get an hour nap on Omar's couch, and it is time to take the train to Manhattan.
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The excitement is exploding through the photo, of the Devils vs Rangers game |
Transferring onto the subway to 161st Yankee Stadium, a lot of Devils and Rangers fans are aboard the train. I spark up a conversation with a Devils fan who is wearing a retro Scott Stevens jersey. We talk about how the Devils need to add more offense, and how Jagr is carrying the team. Train arrives at the station the conductor announces the stop and gives a "Let's go Rangers" chant.
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I'm regretting not wearing those thermals Mogilny offered me. |
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I'll wait to get my Jagr jersey next year. |
Can't escape the NHL network crew. Kathryn Tappen, Kevin Weeks, Peter Laviolette, and I forget the other guy. |
The atmosphere is not comparable to the Ducks vs Kings game. Fans are pretty much half Rangers and half Devils, but the devils fans continue their different chants of Rangers suck. Our seats are in right field, and our view isn't the greatest. Its hard to follow the game action, we have to mostly look at the outfield television screen to see what's going on.
Devils grab a early lead and look in control at 3-1. But Rangers score a late first period goal to cut the deficit to 3-2.
It's so cold, that we venture to the concessions stands to get something warm to eat. No more hot chocolate. What? We settle for the Yankee bucket of Chicken and 2 beers. A whopping $42 grand total. We huddle around the bucket of chicken as it's saturated fat warms our bellies.
Game changes around in the second period as the Rangers score 4 unanswered goals. I blame the bucket of chicken and immediately stop munching on our a gallon of fries. To my dismay, the Rangers finish the period with a commanding 6-3 lead.
Our view from our seats in right field. Not shown is the jazzing performance by "Jersey Boys." LA you can keep your KISS, I'll take Frankie Valli and the boys. |
Devils come out in the third and look like they just want to go home. Halfway through the period, I tell Mogilny, I had enough and lets go. On our way out, a fight breaks occurs with some Devils and Rangers fans in the concourse. For all the security, where is a cop when you need them. After a good couple of minutes, its finally broken up.
I talk to a Rangers fan, as I'm leaving the restroom. "It's funny because both of these franchises haven't won anything in over a decade, and both sides continue to argue who has won a cup most recently.
Our epic trip ends with a 7-3 blowout victory by the Rangers. Not, at all as I envisioned it, especially after the first period. It was the most goals the Rangers have scored on Martin Brodeur in a regular season game.
How to compare the two events, is rather difficult. The NHL had two rivals both play each other in these outdoor games, but I didn't sense any rivalry with the Kings and Ducks. With the Devils and Rangers there has been past playoff blood. They replayed those moments repeatably at Yankee stadium, to add fuel to the already fired up fans.
Ducks and Kings however never played each other in the playoffs. For a real rivalry to occur, both of these teams have will have to square off in a playoff atmosphere.
Los Angeles like I stated before was more about selling the event, than the actual game itself. If I have to watch paid extras to pretend to play nerf football in the outfield again, I will lose it. "Nice throw Uncle Rico!"
New York was more about selling the rivalry between the two teams. They kept it simple, a smaller ice rink for the kids on the field, and plenty of snow.
As my good friend Mike S on the plane would say, "Hockey.....Yea I like it. Never really watch it, but it's tough."
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Gang Green's Heroic Act
In an Alternate Gang Green Universe Gang Green was a rough and tough guy who had seen his share of wild adventures. He had grown up on the ...

In a heated display of stupidity, Mr Magoo found a way to dismantle the Waterford Hockey lights. Incident by-stander Cinnamon, warned Mago...
The long anticipated return of the chief editor, who has been gone since last Wed. Will return to the Waterford Gardens, for Thursday Nig...