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Quads making his historical "I want my Hockey lights back" speech from Feb 2008 |
I had to search far and wide in the Googily vault to come up with this gem from 2008. Back in those days, the Blue Anchor Gang headed by Big Bobby Hill and Ivan Drago started to take over the Waterford Gardens. Games were mean spirited with bloody hacked shins and Gang Green almost started a war over a salty slice of salami.
It also was a time when the township turned the lights off and we had no night hockey for a 6 month period. The Chief Editor rallied the faithful to come out to a township meeting and demand our lights back. On that cold winter night in 2008, Quad Skates stood up in front of the township government and defended Waterford Hockey.
Today we honor Quad Skates on his birthday for being one of the key figures in the Waterford faithful movement.
Promise of Light
The Googily Gazette
February 29, 2008
No hockey was played this past week as weather cancelled weekend play and project lockout continues on night games. But some rather optimistic news came from the town hall meeting on Wednesday Night as Quad Skates led the charge of fighting to retain the Thursday Night Hockey lighting system. With the opening statement from the Mayor that he emphasis the importance of recreation in the town and that he would like to see more people get involved with the recreation department. It seemed like an open and shut case to allow the lights to be turned back on.
Quads made a heroic opening statement "I stand before you ladies and gentleman today a man that hasn't played a single game of Thursday Night Hockey in a week because of the audacious act of your town government. Now I'm just a simple man that likes fast cars, cold beer, and the enjoyment of playing a recreational sport hockey on a pair of quad skates. Some might say now why would somebody play on a pair of Quad Skates, I say why doesn't everybody play on a pair of Quad Skates." A loud roar of applause came from the audience
Standing all alone Quads spoke for the many that play Thursday Night Hockey, he was fearless in his stance and demanded answers for the imprisonment of our lights.
"I ask you why oh why are the hockey lights at Waterford locked up? This seems like a harsh action and must be resolved." More cheers and clapping was echo throughout the building after this remark.
A puzzled and confused Mayor had no idea that the lights for the hockey rink were lock up and question the Quad of what kind of organization was he representing. Quad chuckled to himself at first than said "Mayor I don't represent any type of organization or group of people for that matter. Tonight I speak for the kid would didn't want to play organize sports, or the guy who just worked a 10 hour shift at the construction yard, or even a evil mastermind that enslaved Bauer sticks in a universe far far away. No Mayor we aren't an organization we are just simple Thursday Night Hockey players."
In the crowd that night to support Quads conquest was the chief editor, Miguel Arena, Kevin Hand, and the usual soft-spoken Brian Boytano. Past situations in Thursday Night Hockey history the Boytano showed little emotion or would even crack a smile during game play or during witty banner after the night was over. But after the following comment made by Quads Boytano stood up and raise his fist in the air and shouted "Viva Le Quad, Viva Le Quad, Viva Le Quad." Eventually the rest of the Thursday Night Hockey faithful had decided to stand along Boytano and unite in his chant.
The Mayor had to intervene and restore order back to the meeting "Gentlemen can you please sit down." As the Mayor struck his gavel numerous times the "Viva Le Quads" chants were quickly silence.
As indicated in the Mayor's opening proclamation that he wanted to assist to Recreation aid. He had some promising news for Quads and the many who attend Thursday Night Hockey "Well Mr. Quads given that you are playing on some historical means of skating devices, with those Quads Skates. I can't ignore your passion for roller hockey and would like to help you and your friends anyway possible. Hey that one bald guy over there didn't he skate in 88' Calgary games. But please leave me your name and number and we will get this matter resolved as soon as possible. We want you to play hockey and we want those lights turn back on."
With these significant words it looks like Thursday Night Hockey will back up and running soon. Quads and Miguel Arena have also voluntarily sign up for the recreation committee, and would like to get more funding for our rink, which hasn't seen any.
Meanwhile Councilman Barlow wasn't in attendance for Wednesday night's meeting citing that he still hasn't found a key to the lights. He is trying to get a key from his brother who does stand up comedy by smashing watermelons. It is believed that the key is being kept in one of those watermelons and Barlow hasn't yet picked the correct one.
With cheerful smiles on everyone faces the meeting was adjourned. Celebratory drinks were poured at the local watering hole with pints in the air and talks of improvements for the rink. Now it is time for the town to deliver of their promise of once again permitting Thursday Night Hockey.
"When one man pushes you down you get back up on both quads" Quads Skates comments on the inhuman injustices in the world.
The Chief Editor