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CBC held the exclusive rights for the first Saturday Night game in Atco |
The lights dimmed low as the curtain rises to an Evil Mogilny alone on the stage. "My brother, where is he? My brother how could he betray me?" The piano started to play as Evil Mogilny began to sing with a spotlight beaming from the orchestra pit. "My brother Mogilny, he is not Evil like me."
"Stop it! Stop it right there! No! no! no!.. The lines are "Mogilny where is he? Mogilny my brother the good Mogilny. I've left my IROC-Z at Hooters, I shall defeat he. Get out of my way Mogilny, I'm Evil Mogilny." Are you even trying to remember your lines? We have only one week left before Sea Isle 2020 and you're stumbling over your entrance solo. If you keep this up, we'll have to replace you with a Gang Green break-dancing number. Either you get it right, or don't do it all." A dis-concern Chief Editor shouted.
"Well, I would get it right, if this song made any sense. Why did I leave my IROC at Hooters? We all know that I wouldn't leave my IROC anywhere, I even carry a spare canister of blue gas in my trunk, just in case of emergencies." Evil Mogilny replied.
"I don't care about the logistics of the song. This is supposed to be your grand entrance for your character and the audience needs to sympathize with your lost IROC-Z. Now get back to the script and start it from the top." The Chief Editor rebutted.
"I can't do this, I can't make a fool out of myself in front of my new girlfriend whom I just met last night at the Cow Town Rodeo." Evil Mogilny upset, throws the script down and walks gingerly off stage.
Regular Good Mogilny on a Zoom Conference Call from Colorado voiced his observation "Do, I still have to be here? I know most of the musical numbers are with Evil Moginly, but I have another conference call to make with my International Pocket Pool Club."
"Fine, just go Mogilny. I don't care anymore. This musical production was doomed from the start. We'll just have Evil Mogilny drive around in a Face Mask, fighting COVID-19 by pedal pushing the IROC-Z accelerator."
Dead of summer has halted the turnouts at the Atco Rink. With the goalies dying of heat stroke and temperatures regularly in the upper 90s, play was cut short Saturday Night. Crowds have begin to dissipate as the global pandemic has leveled off and we're in the middle of summer vacation season.
Sea Isle was moved from it's primary location in Sea Isle City to the Atco Rink, to accommodate the Faithful to stay local during the increasing COVID-19 cases at tourism areas. A dress rehearsal of BOF vs Don was set-up to work out the kinks and get the goalies accustomed to the drastic heat of Atco.
Only the die hard faithful showed to a modest crowd of 8 skaters and 3 vs 3 play was instituted with a substitute on each bench. Myers was the first to bail, as he skated to the bench, took off his skates and said "I'm done, I can't take it anymore."
Myers team was left without a substitute and Matt Truck started to skate on fumes as he showed a lackluster effort on defense. Smoke starting to form out of Matt Truck's skates, as his radiator was overheating. "Usually Matt Truck doesn't play much of a defensive game, but tonight he was just hanging out at the red line cherry picking. At first, I thought I was watching one of the Cinder Twins." a bewildered Quads commented on the CBC live feed.
A slow paced series with numerous breaks, stumble along to game 5 with Matt Truck's team ahead 2-1 in game 5. Right after a Goalie TV Timeout, play was restarted with AI skating up the rink and feeding Eli skating unattested by Matt Truck, who had his emergency brake on in the defensive end. Eli alone on a 2-0 with AI, faked a pass and fired a backhand that hit BOF's chest protector and trickled in the net. The game was tied 2-2, BOF got his water bottled and walked off the rink to conclude Saturday Night Hockey. "It's too hot to play goal with no defense." BOF remarked as he stormed off the rink.
The CBC live feed cut to black and aired an episode of Ace's sitcom, Aces with brooms. A Canadian curling romp suitable for the entire family.
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Check out the CBC Classic Aces with Brooms weeknights |
The dress rehearsal ended and more accommodations will have to be made for goaltender safety. For next week's much anticipated Sea Isle game, there will be 3 goalies, so at least one goalie will have a break. A designated rest area for the goalies, will be accompanied by cooling fans and an icebox full of Capri Sun juice boxes. A pit crew will be on standby to undress the goalie, change their soaking wet equipment, and air dry the exhausted goalie with an air compressor.
It was a tough week for the goalies as play was abruptly cut short each night due to the extreme weather conditions. Eli commented on the recent trend, "It's been an odd summer, we had goalies pulled, benched, and walk off. It seems we can't get any consistency."
Usually during this time of year the Faithful are granted nights off to spend more time with their families and rest in the air conditioning. But with the lock-down just being lifted, the Faithful are hockey crazed to skate in unprecedented playing conditions.
The annual Sea Isle Game is around the corner as Evil Mogilny will once again face off against Mogilny, who is flying in from Colorado to make his annual skate with the Faithful.